
Healing Love

A Blog Carnival celebrates the ideas and thoughts of a group of people who Post on one theme.  My Post today is part of a Blog Carnival organized and hosted by Bridget Chumbley http://www.bridgetchumbley.com/.  The theme word for this week is healing.  This is my contribution.


Three days before Christmas in 2007, my husband – a high school principal on his first day of Christmas break – decided we needed some heat tape installed on the roof of our back porch.  I was in the kitchen, which opens out to the back porch, when I heard him fall.  He evidently landed on the edges of the porch steps and then bounced off onto our paver-brick patio, which was snow covered.  I found him curled in fetal position, semi-conscious. I ran for a telephone and blankets.  I called 9-1-1 and then swaddled my husband in blankets without moving him. 

I can still hear his screams as EMTs moved him to a backboard.   My husband’s injuries included 11 broken ribs (4 crushed ), a partially collapsed lung, a broken vertebra, concussion, shoulder and hip injuries….

The pain was horrendous, the ride to the hospital torture.  A bump in the road put him beyond tolerance range into unconsciousness again and again and again.  Five days in intensive care, the fear of further lung collapse, a subsequent bone infection…  

And yet . . . more than those very difficult times, we remember and still feel the love of so many friends and family members who were there for us.  Friends who rushed to the hospital thirty miles away to “be there” for us.  My sister who held me as I cried, my mother who even with dementia managed to call the church prayer chain for me, my father-in-law who at age 88 took care of our dog and managed most of his meals on his own while I stayed at the hospital, two very young granddaughters who did not complain about spending part of Christmas Day in ICU so they could see their beloved grandpa, a missionary daughter who flew home from Greece to be with her dad, a son who helped his bed-fast father surprise me with a lovely Christmas gift, a daughter-in-law who handled hospital logistics for me, my husband’s students who came in to visit him during their Christmas vacation, bringing smiles and balloons and cards and tears.  A friend who made “Christmas” dinner for us – on New Year’s Eve Day – when my husband was able to be home and enjoy it with the family.  Prayers, phone calls, gifts, cards, visits.  God lifted us up and held us tight in His arms. 

My husband’s physical healing has been a miracle – he was back at school the first day after Christmas break, only for an hour, but he was back.  

And we learned more than I can ever say in the space of a blog post.  Most importantly that physical healing always becomes a miracle when love is involved.

Blessings upon blessings, Sue

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  1. I remember that day…….so thankful that all of our prayers were answered! Love to both you & Neil

  2. You are posting recent blog entries on twitter as well? If so I would like to know your account, so I can follow you there and be informed.

  3. Hi Jackie, Sorry to say that I’m not yet on Twitter. All this technology is new to me. I feel like I’m finally getting a handle on the Blog. Next, social networks and Twitter. Hope to see you there someday, and meanwhile, glad to have you here!

  4. It’s amazing how accident of love one can bring you closer also family which are often so wrapped up in there own world that they forget they have real family.Also you know who your true friends are at the time when there is a crisis.It can be big wake up call for everyone.So glad Sue that you had the support of loved one’s when Neil was injured.

  5. I was aghast when I read of the extent of your husband’s injuries. Just after Christmas three winters ago, as my dear husband was turning into his work’s driveway one morning, his vehicle was hit by another. The resulting four or five broken and cracked ribs caused him terrible pain. I can’t imagine what your husband went through. It is marvellous how your family and friends rallied round you in that time of need and anxiety. God does take care of us. We have much for which to be thankful.

    I am marking your blog as one I will be following as much as I can. It is very interesting. Having read the excerpt from Call Down The Stars, I hope to get hold of your books to read, too. Oh, and … I posted on Twitter a link to your blog because I am sure others will also enjoy their visits here. Hope you don’t mind! 🙂

  6. Any rib injury is so horrendously painful. Now when we watch movies that depict someone falling, it doesn’t even seem funny anymore!

    Thank you so much for marking my Blog and a huge thanks for the Twitter help, too! I really do need to get on Twitter. I’m very slow when it comes to adapting to new communication possibilities.

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