
A Glance Back – Arthritis

About three weeks ago, I noticed that I couldn’t straighten my right middle finger, and now I’m having trouble with the left middle finger, too.


I use my hands hard. I garden, I do house and yard work for us and our parents, I play musical instruments, and I type. A lot.

Now, when it comes to the really huge problems of life, a bit of osteoarthritis is a small problem indeed, but I was wondering if anyone knows of homeopathic remedies that help arthritis. I’m not in much pain, but I’d like to be able to straighten my fingers again!

Thank you and many blessings!


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  1. Hi Sue,
    I have been having a terrible time with my hands and neck this past week with my arthritis, it’s not homeopathic but I use a prescription called Voltarin Gel and it really helps my fingers. I hope you find some relief.
    Have a nice weekend.

  2. An arthritis doctor in Traverse City suggests a night shades vegetables free diet. She has seen mant patients improve and she herself had dramatic improvement. Night shades are a few vegetables that were not eaten many years ago because they were considered to be poisonous, I believe.

  3. I have arthritis at the base of both my thumbs–I rarely use scissors anymore, it hurts to do so, and turning a door knob can be very painful. I wore thumb “mitts” similar to carpel tunnel devices at night and often during the day to keep the thumbs from too much in appropriate turning.

    Three years ago, I started taking Zumba lessons or an aerobics class 4-5 days a week. I felt much better, looked better and shockingly enough, my thumbs didn’t hurt very much any more.

    I rarely wear the mitts now, except when I’m lifting weights in class. All we can figure is the increased blood flow to my hands has improved the circulation and helped–somehow.

    I looked into the steroid shot, I had six weeks of physical therapy trying to help, the x-rays showed it was arthritis, nearly to bone on bone.

    I mourned a long time–like you, I type all the time. I used to garden, sew, play the piano, play tennis, ride a bike. All of those things are painful now, and I can only wistfully remember what it used to be like. I can, however, still type and mostly hold the clarinet to play. I bought adaptive devices for the kitchen and have determined to be thankful for what I can do, rather than mourn what is lost.

    But somedays . . . . sigh. I guess I’m recommending the only thing that worked and which has improved my over all life: an aerobics or zumba dance class. Best wishes.

  4. Dear Sue,
    Sad to hear you are in pain of the sufferin of artritis. It put you down in your movements. I do not know any solution now but in 12 days I do have an appointment with an orthomoleculair homeopath. I ask her if there is anything wich can releave your pain.
    Bearshug Ans

  5. This is great info, Michelle. I’ve had to cut back on exercise because I torn the meniscus in my knee, but it is improving, so I’m thinking that maybe more exercise will help!! Yay!

  6. Hi Sue,
    You have the same problem with my brother, for the pain he rubs oil on the pained part. I think it something like mentholated oil and if its not effective, he drinks pain relievers. Initially, he’s doing common massages to relax his body. I hope these helps. God bless you.

  7. Hello there Sue, I’m currently suffering this kind of pain. I usually relieve the pain with hot compress and followed by a mild massage.

  8. Hi Sue, I’ve been suffering to this kind of pain plus shoulder aches also. What I’m doing is massage with essential oil and apply pressure to the pained part.

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