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August 2023 FREE BOOKS!

We are delighted to give away two wonderful books this month, both of which celebrate Summers in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula! VIEW FROM THE SIDEROAD by Sharon M. Kennedy: [From the cover copy] “Join us for a trip through Michigan’s rural Upper Peninsula in this collection of fictional short stories. Whether it’s a sailor who shuns…

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May 2023 FREE BOOK!

Once upon a time a long time ago, I wrote for a wonderful website called Her View From Home. At that time, I was in my first decade of parent care (with another decade yet to go). My writing time had dwindled to merely an hour or two a week, and I despaired of ever…

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Jan. ’14 2nd Give-Away Book!

Celebrate with me the first novel written by my friend Wendy Paine Miller, THE DISAPPEARING KEY! (Photo by Brooke Miller. Used with Permission) Our give-away copy is a new trade paperback. Here’s a blurb from the Amazon page: “The night of their daughter’s birth, Gabrielle and her husband Roy fused their genetic and engineering geniuses…

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Wild Word Friday. I could tell you that our English word HEART (the actual physical heart) comes from the Middle English herte and the Angle Saxon word heorte, which springs from the very ancient Indo-European base word kerd, and that all of them mean HEART. But you won’t find a better definition of HEART than this…

The Worst Thing

My husband and I recently helped my 90-year-old father-in-law with an article about Dad’s service during World War II.  Dad has never been a great communicator, so this project was a challenge for all of us. More than once Neil and I decided that we were hearing the same story in two different versions, but throughout his narrative, Dad…


A Hospital Day

Today my mom had her second cataract surgery.  All went well, and that is due to a very fine doctor and an excellent and understanding hospital staff.  My mom has dementia.  It’s not Alzheimer’s.  She knows that she doesn’t know.  I’m not sure if that is easier or more difficult than the alternative.  My mother-in-law…

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