About insects

I’ve never been an insect-lover. Not flies, not cute little lady bugs, not cockroaches (which we don’t have up here in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan – Hooray!), not fleas or… I could go on almost forever, couldn’t I? I know insects are necessary to our ecology and part of God’s plan, and I can claim…

About Horses

When I was eight years old, my my best friend’s mom took a group of us kids to the fair. We decided to spend some of our tickets on a pony ride. I had my heart set on the little white pony. He was lovely. However, while I was waiting my turn in line for…

About Resolutions

I have a difficult time selecting just one New Year’s resolution, so I’ve decided to follow the wisdom espoused by several of my writer friends. They’ve each selected one word as a resolution. For some reason  that seems to make the whole resolution thing a whole lot easier, and I’ve decided that for 2012 my word is JOY….


About Candy

If your house is like mine during the holiday season, you’ve got candy. I can resist hard candies and even plain chocolate, but when it comes to chocolate cherries, I’m lost. I can’t leave them alone! Worse than that, it’s genetic. My mother and I and my daughter all have the propensity to over indulge when it…

About Buying Gifts

At Christmas, my husband usually waits until the last minute to buy gifts. This year, however, he surprised me totally with a beautiful electric piano. Talk about dreams come true! I received my gift early because he didn’t want to pick out the piano by himself, and I was delighted to add my comments and…

About Fruit Cake

When I was a child, we always received a Christmas package from my Grandma Kate and Grandpa Bob, and another from my aunt’s mother, Mrs. Tost. Grandma Kate’s box included a generous chunk of her dark fruit cake. Mrs. Tost, who lived a very elegant and privileged life, sent us a plum pudding and rum sauce in a…


About Cookies

I just received a catalog that is full of nothing but beautiful, colorful cookies. I might love to cook, but I’m not a good cookie maker. My cookies are never uniform, I can’t get them off the pan without breaking a few, and I almost always burn the last batch. But looking at this catalog…

About Shopping

I’m not a good shopper. Where I live there are no malls and few stores. Walmart is a 75-mile round trip, so with the price of gasoline you just don’t go every day. When we take an overnight journey of 200 miles or so and visit a mall, I’m often overwhelmed.  I tend to wander…


About Cooking

I love to cook. I didn’t always love to cook, mostly because I burned or ruined everything I tried to make, but my mother-in-law was a patient and gentle instructor, and eventually I learned. I still can ruin a dinner, but it doesn’t happen as often as it used to. This Thanksgiving I will cook…


About Singing

This is my favorite time of year to sing in the church choir, because we are practicing Christmas music, and I love Christmas music – the old, the new, and anything in between. When I was six years old, I began to sing in public, and I’ve loved singing ever since. Probably because people were…

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