Wild Word Friday!!

Okay we have a wonderful new-to-me word that comes from the Danish and Middle English.  (Did you know that many of the conquering Vikings who came to England were from Denmark?  Thus many of our words have Danish roots.)  The word is KNAR.  A KNAR is one of those bark covered bumps or lumps on the side of a tree.  I didn’t even know there was a word for those bumps and lumps until I was looking up another word and happened to skip my eyes up the dictionary page to KNAR. 

Aren’t we all going to sound erudite the next time we have a conversation about trees?  As in,  “I’m very worried about my maple tree.  It has developed a very large KNAR on the north side of the trunk.”

As with most modern English words with a kn beginning, the in KNAR is silent.  However, during Middle English times, KNAR would have been pronounced ka-nar.   As in, the ka-night ka-nocked his ka-nee on the ka-nar. 

Happy Wild Word Friday!

Q4U:  Do you have any word nominations for our Wild Word Fridays? 

Blessings!  Sue

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