Wild Word Friday!

Our word today is COMPANION. 

This past week, Linda, my Bible Study leader (who once lived in Italy), happened to mention that the word COMPANION (which we were discussing) was very similar to the Italian words “with bread.”  I came home and looked up COMPANION in one of my resource books.  Sure enough.  In Latin,  com means with or together, and panis means bread, loaf or food

So a COMPANION is someone with whom we share our bread.  Doesn’t that remind you of Jesus and the little boy who shared his loaves and fishes?  By doing so, that little boy (with the Lord’s help) made COMPANIONS of more than 5,000 people who had gathered to hear and see Jesus.

What a wonderful thought for this very special time of year.  As we give thanks for all our blessings, let us share our loaves with others and thus made COMPANIONS of many.

Blessings!  Sue

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