About Autumn

About You!

This week autumn officially begins. I don’t want to cause controversy, but here where I live, it actually starts in August. That’s when we usually have our first night frost (not this year!) and also when you see the first bit of color in a tree, and the flowers start to look a little frazzled. I don’t much mourn these signs of the changing seasons. I love autumn. I love the color in the trees, the heartier “comfort” meals we have a tendency to serve, the respite from yard care.

So tell me About You. What do you like about autumn?



(Thank you for helping me compile a data notebook about quirks and preferences. I appreciate the help as I develop characters for my novels!)

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One Comment

  1. I love the chilly mornings and brisk afternoons. I love spending all day outside without getting too cold, but still being able to come in and enjoy hot tea or hot chocolate. I love the colors. It’s amazing to watch God paint the world before our eyes! I think that even more than any particular season, I love the transitions; watching the snow break and flowers begin to pop up, the first really warm day on the beach, the first crisp morning that just smells like pumpkins and leaves, and of course the first snowfall that sparkles like diamonds.

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