

Roscoe, Friend him on FaceBook!

I recently asked my friend Arlene Coulter if I could feature her dog Roscoe on Your Pet!  Her reply made me laugh, and I thought all the Your Pet! readers would enjoy what Arlene wrote:

“My second son was in college when he fell in love… with Roscoe. At the pound. ‘Can we keep him, Mom?’ He looked down at me from his 6′ of height with big brown, pleading eyes. Yeup. I caved.
‘But if he’s your dog, YOU have to take care of him! YOU do the shots, YOU get his food, YOU train him to obey.’
‘I will, Mom. I promise!’
Surely a 20 year old is responsible enough to take care of a dog, right? Yeup.
Except the 20 year old was a full-time college student who also worked full-time and had an active social life.
I’m pretty sure you can guess where this is going.
Dave graduated and moved to an apartment in Texas.
A no-dogs-allowed apartment.
So by default, Roscoe became the family dog.”

Arlene, you have to admit that Roscoe’s a talented boy.  He’s one of the few dogs out there who has his own FaceBook page! Amazing!

Check it out: https://www.facebook.com/roscoe.canine?ref=ts

Roscoe’s looking for new friends. Arlene says, “You, too, can be friends with an unruly black lab!”smile Here’s Roscoe’s link:Roscoe Canine

Studied Heel at Flunked Obedience School
You gotta love him!
Arlene Coulter writes romantic suspense novels for the inspirational market. She recently won a national contest (The Genesis Award) for her first novel. As soon as that novel is published, I’ll be sure to let all of you know all about it!

Q4U: Okay, so I’m now FB friends with Roscoe. Are any of you FB friends with an animal?


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