The Ivory Carver Trilogy

Mother Earth, Father Sky - Cover
Brother Wind - Cover

“Climb into your kayaks and join me in a journey that will carry you to a time before time! Together we will use our wits, wisdom, and wilderness skills to survive on islands so harsh that trees grow no higher than the grass and the largest land mammal is the tiny collared lemming. Your survival depends on your will as you learn to use your primitive weapons — knives of volcanic glass and simple harpoons against the largest sea mammals on earth. You will be forced to outwit marauders and murderers, and you will survive an incredible journey, alone, in a land that holds no pity for the weak. Each test of your skills will increase your confidence and strength, until you find that your spirit is renewed and you have become a part of the wilderness of ancient Alaska, truly a land of fire and ice!” —Sue Harrison

Loving the opportunity to post this review from a Spanish reader!! Thank you, Alberto Olmo Lapeña

Sue Harrison pertenece a ese grupo de escritores que nos ofrecen billetes a una máquina del tiempo que nos lleva a culturas olvidadas e infravaloradas por muchos. El billete que nos ofrece Sue Harrison nos lleva a viajar por regiones aleutianas, donde sus protagonistas nos permiten visualizar la vida de hace miles de años en esas tierras inhóspitas.

Escritores como Sue Harrison nos abren la mente a mundos diferentes al que vemos cuando paseamos por la calle, que no son ni mejor ni peor, sólo diferentes. Igual que nuestro modo de vida debe ser respetado, también debe serlo el modo de vida de los diferentes pueblos que repartidos por el mundo enriquecen a la humanidad con su cultura.

Algunos autores han escrito sobre culturas que ya han desaparecido, otros lo han hecho sobre culturas que persisten, luchando contra la intransigencia e ignorancia de las culturas dominantes. Sue Harrison escribió sobre la cultura aleutiana que, como todas, debe ser respetada, escuchada…, se deben escuchar sus deseos, sus propuestas de cómo vivir su vida. Y lo hace de forma magistral, como una Shuganan que talla y da vida a unos personajes de marfil con los que empatizamos y que llegan a formar parte de nuestras familias. Nos embarca en Iqyax, para viajar por las heladas costas árticas y conocer a hombres y mujeres que se enfrentan a adversidades, aparentemente insalvables.

Gracias Sue Harrison por los libros, por los conocimientos y por recordarnos que todas las ulturas deben ser escuchadas y respetadas.

“Sue Harrison belongs to that group of writers who offer us tickets to a time machine that takes us to cultures forgotten and undervalued by many. The ticket that Sue Harrison offers us takes us to travel through Aleutian regions, where its protagonists allow us to visualize life thousands of years ago in those inhospitable lands.

“Writers like Sue Harrison open our minds to worlds different from the one we see when we walk down the street, which are neither better nor worse, just different. Just as our way of life must be respected, so too must be the way of life of the different peoples who, throughout the world, enrich humanity with their culture.

“Some authors have written about cultures that have already disappeared, others have written about cultures that persist, fighting against the intransigence and ignorance of the dominant cultures. Sue Harrison wrote about the Aleut culture that, like all, must be respected, listened to…, their desires must be listened to, their proposals on how to live their lives. And she does it masterfully, like a Shuganan who carves and gives life to ivory characters with whom we empathize and who become part of our families. He embarks us on Iqyax, to travel along the frozen arctic coasts and meet men and women who face seemingly insurmountable adversities.

“Thank you Sue Harrison for the books, for the knowledge and for reminding us that all cultures must be heard and respected.”