How better to celebrate spring than with a new book!ย  And with spring in mind here’s how you qualify for the drawing March 21, 2010.

If you shoveled snow, drove in snow or slogged through snow this winter, you’re qualified. Just let post and let us know if you prefer life with or without snow!

(I’m a snow girl myself, honest, except for blizzards!)

The March free books are two novels – EXPOSURE by Brandilyn Collins and WATER FOR ELEPHANTS by Sara Gruen. Both are new trade paperback editions. I’ll post blurbs about both books next week. Meanwhile if you battled snow this winter, post your snow preference (with or without) and you’ll be in the March 21 drawing. First name drawn wins his/her choice of EXPOSURE or WATER FOR ELEPHANTS. The second name gets the other book.

Blessings! Sue Harrison

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  1. I live in Austin, TX, but grew up in Virginia. We got about a quarter inch of snow last week, and while many northern transplants complained about the crazy drivers, I found nothing more joyful than sharing the joy of a community that thinks snow is about as exciting as diamonds falling from the sky! There’s nothing happier than a six-inch-tall snowman in some kid’s yard making the nightly news ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Hey Courtney, A quarter inch of snow in Texas definitely qualifies you for our March free book drawing! My dad’s family is from Arkansas. I often think they face more problems from a quarter inch of snow than we in Michigan face with 12 inches! –Sue

  3. Hi Sue,

    I’m definitely a “snow girl” – I live in Maine! I love an early morning after a big snow when the sun comes up, its just beautiful! I DO appreciate an early spring, however, which is what it’s looking like this year. Sugar maples are ready to tap – I’ve got to get my buckets ready! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. How many trees do you tap, Susan? It seems like so much hard work – walking in deep snow, checking the sap buckets, boiling down the sap. But wow! The end product is heavenly!! –Sue

  5. I am definitely a snow girl. Today was sunny and the snow glistened. I would miss that if I didn’t live in “snow country”, although every now and then I imagine putting my toes in warm sand.

  6. Snow is okay for the first month or so, but after that, I crave those long summer days where the thermostat stretches past 80 degrees. I love spring and summer showers as well……but I guess I don’t think I could say that I feel the same for snow showers.

  7. When we first moved to our present home almost 21 years ago, our daughter was 5 months old. In October of 1989 it started to snow and snow and snow, and it seemed like it would never stop. We were out one day shoveling and I wanted to take a picture of the snow banks in our driveway, they were about 8′ tall. I wanted to get a pic of my daughter up on the bank but had to get a step stool to put her on the top of it. We had never seen snow like this before and we being rookies didn’t know how to shovel snow!! Yeah you have to know how to shovel snow here, you can’t just shovel it to the side because by the time January comes around you cannot shovel it UP anymore because the banks are sooooo high. We learned the hard way to push back the snow as far as you can from the walkways and driveways or you will run out of room to pile it. The dog loves the snow too because after the 5’5″ fence is buried in the snow she knows she can get out of the backyard and run all over the neighborhood. We love snow, Deb and family

  8. That’s a great snow story, Deb! And I understand the problem with snow levels and dog fences. We were almost disqualified from buying one of our dogs because the breeder could not understand how the snow could be high enough in winter that a fence would be useless! (She finally agreed he could be an inside dog, and he is, which is wonderful.)

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