Wild Word Friday! ANIIDAM TUGIDAA is the Aleut designation for our month of July. ANIIDAM TUGIDAA means Month When Sea Mammal Pups are Born. When I work within a Native American language, I always love to see how words and names are so connected with nature. That’s not unusual considering that the survival of Native…
Happy Independence Day!!
Here in the USA we are celebrating our Independence Day. Wherever you live, I pray that you and your family know and celebrate many blessings!
July 2013 Free Book #1!
Our July 2013 Free Book is THE MEMORY JAR by Tricia Goyer. It is the first book in the Seven Brides for Seven Bachelor’s series. A delightful romance for anyone who loves all things Amish, THE MEMORY JAR is the story about dreams, hopes, and the strength of family ties. Our give-away copy is a…
GRATEFUL SKIES Photograph/ US Army / Wikipedia / Public Domain
Wild Word Friday! Our word today is GREASE. When I think of the word GREASE, sensory images bombard: the yucky feel of cold bacon grease as I try to scrape it out of a pan, the taste of bear meat (which is very tallowy), and the sight of GREASE congealed on a serving plate. Hope…
Puppy Love/ Samoyed!
When I was a child, two of my best friends, (They are sisters.) owned a Samoyed. I don’t remember too much about her, except that it was a beautiful white dog and very, very soft. She had a litter of puppies, and I thought they were the cutest things I’d ever seen. (Photo by Pleple…
June 2013 Free Book Winner!!
Congratulations to Linda Six who has won our second give-away book this June 2013! Linda, I’ll be mailing you Bill Giovannetti’s SECRETS TO A HAPPY LIFE, Finding Satisfaction in Any Situation. Congratulations! Blessings! Sue
Wild Word Friday! I’ve been reading Bill Giovannetti’s recently released book SECRETS TO A HAPPY LIFE. (Don’t miss this book. It’s incredible. Find out about it here: ) On page 62, Bill uses the word PLEONEXIA. Bill tells us that we should pronounce it as play-oh-nex-EEE-ah, and he explains that PLEONEXIA is a Greek…
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