

Wild Word Friday!   It probably won’t surprise you to know that the English language borrowed the word YEN from the Chinese language, the Cantonese dialect. To the ears of an English-speaker, YEN sounds Chinese. During the mid-1800s when Chinese immigration to the United States peaked, they brought the word in-yan with them. In-yan means…



Wild Word Friday!   This time of year (summer) I love to spend my free moments in my flower BEDs. Because we built our house on a rocky alcove, I have an abundance of stones and boulders to use as accents for my flowers. Odds are that I have more rocks than flowers, but each…


Your Pet! Gary

Gary! and his loving Mom Gary’s owner, Cheryl, tells us that this cute little guy was born on her father’s birthday, so is named after her dad. I’m wondering if that’s a singular honor. Gary may well be the only donkey in the world named after its owner’s father. LOL, Cheryl! Welcome, Gary, you’re our…

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