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Dirt & Bones: Living Quarters

In my current novel (Working title: HORSES OF THE WEST SUN, previously BONE FIRE), I based the houses of the River People on the rectangular, semi-subterranean dwellings used by the Dudeşti people who settled in what is now Romania during the sixth millennium B.C. These houses are built to endure rain and cold weather. By…

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Wild Word Friday! I’ve been reading Bill Giovannetti’s recently released book SECRETS TO A HAPPY LIFE. (Don’t miss this book. It’s incredible. Find out about it here: http://www.secretstoahappylife.org/ ) On page 62, Bill uses the word PLEONEXIA. Bill tells us that we should pronounce it as play-oh-nex-EEE-ah, and he explains that PLEONEXIA is a Greek…

About Hair Color

About You! I’m a brunette. Well, I was a brunette. Now I’m a brunette thanks to the skills of my colorist. (No, this is not me. I wish it were!) For a while, I actually went gray, and I was fine with that until the first time someone “carded” me as a senior citizen. Who? Me? Wait a…

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