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August 2023 FREE BOOKS!

We are delighted to give away two wonderful books this month, both of which celebrate Summers in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula! VIEW FROM THE SIDEROAD by Sharon M. Kennedy: [From the cover copy] “Join us for a trip through Michigan’s rural Upper Peninsula in this collection of fictional short stories. Whether it’s a sailor who shuns…

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May 2023 FREE BOOK!

Once upon a time a long time ago, I wrote for a wonderful website called Her View From Home. At that time, I was in my first decade of parent care (with another decade yet to go). My writing time had dwindled to merely an hour or two a week, and I despaired of ever…

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Your Life & Mine: The Rules of Ancestry Research

Left to Right: My father, his grandparents, my mother and her parents. I’m currently reading a book by Christine Kenneally entitled, THE INVISIBLE HISTORY OF THE HUMAN RACE. In the first chapter Ms Kenneally tells us about the Maori people of New Zealand and their tradition of whakapiri — the recitation of genealogies to establish…

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A Glance Back – Word Banishment!

Sue Harrison, 2012, Lake Superior State University Evening News Photograph Way back in the mid-1980s, I was a young mother who had just completed her first novel – Mother Earth Father Sky. I was receiving enough rejection letters from publishers and agents to wallpaper our living room. To shore up my sagging self-esteem, I decided…

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A Glance Back – To The Good Old Days

This past week, we celebrated my father-in-law’s 94th birthday. My husband and I are his primary “care-givers,” not that he needs a lot of care. Mostly just pampering. He’s to that place in his life when he loves to tell stories, especially about his younger years, and we try to be good listeners, even if…

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Wild Word Friday! I’ve been reading Bill Giovannetti’s recently released book SECRETS TO A HAPPY LIFE. (Don’t miss this book. It’s incredible. Find out about it here: http://www.secretstoahappylife.org/ ) On page 62, Bill uses the word PLEONEXIA. Bill tells us that we should pronounce it as play-oh-nex-EEE-ah, and he explains that PLEONEXIA is a Greek…

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