A Glance Back – Snow Storm!
Today was one of those sweet days that I get to stay home and write! I was so wrapped up in the world I was writing about that I wasn’t paying much attention to what was going on outside my windows Then my dad called. I was surprised to hear that he was not able…
Jan. ’14 2nd Give-Away Book!
Celebrate with me the first novel written by my friend Wendy Paine Miller, THE DISAPPEARING KEY! (Photo by Brooke Miller. Used with Permission) Our give-away copy is a new trade paperback. Here’s a blurb from the Amazon page: “The night of their daughter’s birth, Gabrielle and her husband Roy fused their genetic and engineering geniuses…
A Glance Back – What List?
I received a message from a friend this week that surprised me beyond words. My first novel, MOTHER EARTH FATHER SKY, published way back in 1990 and then republished this year as an ebook, had made a national CNN list. Before I tell you what list, I should explain that although I wrote MEFS as…
Congrats – our first Jan. 2014 Book Winner!
Congratulations to Wandalee Rumler who won our first Give-away book in January 2014! Wanda, I’ll be mailing Anita Higman’s A MARRIAGE IN MIDDLEBURY to you in the next few days! Congratulations! Meanwhile, stay tuned for our next Free Book in January 2014, which I’ll announce next Wednesday, January 22! Blessings! Sue Harrison
A Glance Back – Word Banishment!
Sue Harrison, 2012, Lake Superior State University Evening News Photograph Way back in the mid-1980s, I was a young mother who had just completed her first novel – Mother Earth Father Sky. I was receiving enough rejection letters from publishers and agents to wallpaper our living room. To shore up my sagging self-esteem, I decided…
Jan. 2014 – First Free Book!!
Lets begin our new year with a wonderful romance for the inspirational market from award-winning author Anita Higman, A MARRIAGE IN MIDDLEBURY. I loved this book. You’ve heard of “cozy mysteries.” Well, A MARRIAGE IN MIDDLEBURY is a cozy romance combined with a cozy family-history-mystery. Perfect reading for a cold winter’s evening! From the back…
A Glance Back – The Holidays
We were extra blessed this year to have our daughter and our son and his wife and children all home for Christmas. What fun! We also had the joy of sharing our holidays with my father and mother, and my husband’s father. When my daughter-in-law gave my mom a hug, my mother said, “Merry Christmas!”…
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