
About Cooking

I love to cook. I didn’t always love to cook, mostly because I burned or ruined everything I tried to make, but my mother-in-law was a patient and gentle instructor, and eventually I learned. I still can ruin a dinner, but it doesn’t happen as often as it used to.

This Thanksgiving I will cook for only four of us – me, my husband, my father and my father-in-law. Our son and his wife will be with her parents and family, and our daughter will celebrate the holiday in Europe where she lives. My mom is still with us, but not well enough to travel the twenty-five miles from the assisted living home to our house. 

Actually, our Thanksgiving meal will take place the day after Thanksgiving, so my father and I can eat at the home with my mother. My husband will stay with his father so no one is alone on the holiday.

Even though I’m cooking for a smaller group, I’m still going to bake a turkey and have a pie, and the love around our table will be strong. And the memories.

So tell us about you. Do you like to cook? If you celebrate Thanksgiving tomorrow (or sometime) will turkey be on your menu?



(Photograph from Wikipedia.)

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