
When I was ten years old, my Grandma Kate began a Christmas tradition that would profoundly impact my life. She gave me Laura Ingalls Wilder’s LITTLE HOUSE IN THE BIG WOODS. Every year after, she gave me one or two books in the series until I had them all. What a treasure! Because of those books, I fell in love with words – a love affair that has continued to this day.

Our family tradition of book-gifting also continues. This year for Christmas, my son and daughter-in-law gave me THE HELP by Kathryn Stockett. (I am halfway through and love it!) My husband gave me NEW YORK by Edward Rutherfurd. Rutherfurd is one of my favorite authors. I can’t wait to immerse myself in his latest.

Did you receive any books this December? If so, let us know their titles.

Next week I’ll be giving away a couple of books – which I hope to do every month or two. No contests, just a set of weird or silly or fun qualifications. Drop in and see if you will be one of the lucky recipients.

Blessings! Sue

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  1. Hi Sue, Read the Trilogy and loved them, I like prehistoric fiction and love the UP especially the Porky Pine Mountains and Lake Gogebic. Sometimes wish I lived back in prehistoric times to enjoy the wilderness in a more profound way, which I do through your novels.
    Really I wish you would bless us with another prehistoric novel, don’t stop now, keep writing…. And keep warm in the Great UP, the last frontier….Bill

  2. i got the story teller series for my wife and i can’t get her to read them fast enough so that i can read them, i’m loving them so far.

  3. I bought both the Ivory Carver and The Storyteller Trilogy books for my up coming deployment. I will use the books to help time go by, I’m so excited but holding on for dear life not to pick up the books before I deploy. Although, I did read Mother Earth Father Sky.

  4. Angelina, You’re on my daily prayer list as you deploy. God bless you, and thank you for what you do so all of us can live and dream and be free. Sue

  5. Good Morning Sue, from sunny,but chilly (32 this a.m.) Florida. I feel like the luckiest book reader in the world as I am looking at my autographed copies of your wonderful prehistoric stories. Getting ready to start over and read them all again while I wait patiently for hopefully another series. Guess I need to order Sisu soon as I have not read that yet. Best wishes to you and your family up there in the land of my precious husbands youth. Love, Permelia Ehle

  6. Hi Sue, It was nice to hear from you and be invited to your blogfest. I am a big fan of both of your trilogy series. When I got your email, I could not wait to get to your website to see if another series is on the way??????.
    I have a 11 year old daughter that has become a very avid reader, and shares my love for reading. I am looking forward to getting a copy of Sisu for both of us to read. Hopefully when it gets here she will already be in the middle of a book so I can read it first. 🙂 Donna

  7. Dear Sue,

    You gave me already a lot of enjoyable moments with the Ivory Carver Trilogy. These books are of value to me, and I’ve read them more then once. I do hope the Storyteller Trilogy will be published in Dutch, I don’t have problems reading in English but prefer my mother language to enjoy books the maximum.
    Thanks for all the hours you and your books kept me company in the spare moments I have – shutting kids and work out – and curl up with a glass of tea !

  8. Sue, I have both the Ivory Trilogy and the Storyteller trilogy books. They are my favorite books of all time. I am so glad to hear that you are working on a new book!!! YEA !!!!! I can’t wait…… Take care.

  9. Hello Sue,

    This is fantastic news to see you blogging! Way to go. It’s a fabulous idea for Christmas book giving as so many forget the real meaning of Christmas and only think of $$$$. Looking forward in near future of seeing another exciting book from you.Take care! Trish

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