(FYI: These books have already been given away.  If you would like to enter the monthly drawing for a free book(s), please read the most recent Free Books! Post.)

I don’t know about you, but I LOVE getting books. I have a whole corner of my office stacked with Books-I-Can’t-Wait-To-Read, which are, of course, the very best kind!

So just as I promised, I’m going to share the joy by giving away two hardcover novels by two great authors. If this book give-away is successful (In other words, if I receive replies to this Post…) We’ll try to do this every month. No contests, just a set of weird or silly or fun qualificaitons. This month’s qualifications? You are eligible if you gave someone a book in the month of December – any kind of book for any reason, in December, 2009. Just post a reply to me on my Blog and include the title of the book(s) you gave.

On Thursday evening, I will place the names of the “postees” in a bowl and draw out two. The first drawn will receive his or her choice of one of the two novels below. The second will receive the remaining book. I will mail you your book via USPS book rate mail. Yes, you’re eligible if you live somewhere else than the USA.

This month’s books are (drumroll….) BETWEEN SUNDAYS, a love story by Karen Kingsbury, and DARK ASSASSIN, a mystery by Anne Perry. I’ll post Blurbs about each of them tomorrow and publish your posts as they come in.

This month’s Book Give-Away is in honor of my brother John, whose birthday is in January.

Good luck!


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  1. Dear Sue: I always give Christmas books for Christmas gifts – especially to my grandchildren and children. This year the list was long and I did not make a particular notation of the authors but I did give out “Marley’s Christmas”, Jan Britts collection of “The Mitten, The Hat, The Three Bears” and I can’t remember the last one in the collection! Plus “A Christmas Cup of Tea”, “The White House”, “The Solar System”, “The Silver Donkey”, “The Donkey and the Angel”, “The Paper Bag Christmas” and others that I cannot pull out of my head! I too am an avid reader.
    Happy New Year to a talented and gifted writer!
    Lorna Benson

  2. Hi Sue, I loved your books, Mother Earth, Father Sky and Sister Moon. I gave away several books at Christmas to my grandchildren and three special ones were written by a Jewish Rabbi who spoke to a family group at my son’s church in Lansing. She gave a wonderful program and I purchased the books for each of my kid’s families. i just can’t remember the names. My husband gave the book Lost Symbol to my son-in-law, however he had already read it, so I got the book. I have started to read it. What a nice thought to give away books. I usually pass books that I have read onto my friends and family. Happy New Year. You are a wonderful writer.

  3. Hi Sue, Being the Christmas season I gave several books to the grandchildren, but I also gave one to my son titled “The Ultimate Super Bowl Book” by Bob McGinn. He is a sports writer from Milwaukee but he is originally from the Escanaba, Michigan Area. What a great idea this is. Also a great way to share the titles.

  4. Sue, I have loved every book of yours that I have read. I too have bought them for gifts and was so happy to see your signed, first edition books at the fundraiser for the John & Polly last weekend. A friend of mine was the winning bid and I know she will enjoy them.

    I always watch for the next new book.

  5. Hi, Sue. I’m right in the middle of “Brother Wind”. I read “My Sister the Moon” first, not realizing that it was a part of a trilogy. Wish I had read them in order. I go to a senior center and there is a lady who brings in some challenged girls who set up tables as volunteers. I asked her if she liked to read. She said, “Yes.”, so I gave her my copy of “My Sister the Moon”, just before Christmas. Kind of a coincidence that it was one of your books. We have a lady who does an exercise class, who taught school in Alaska. She also likes your books and confirms the authenticity of your research. Can’t wait to get to the “Storyteller Trilogy”.

  6. Hi Sue,
    I gave three books away in December. One was, “Captivating…Unveiling the Mystery of a Women’s Soul” by John & Stasi Eldredge. Also, I gave two copies of “Love & Respect” by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs to friends. Love this idea and I always love getting a chance to “win” new books. Thanks!

  7. Hola! Yo no quiero entrar en el sorteo, pues a mi libros en ingles no me servirían de mucho… ;D, pero no quería dejar pasar la ocasión de decirte lo mucho que me gustan tus libros, las dos colecciones aunque sin duda mi preferida es la de “Madre tierra…”
    El ultimo libro que he leído y me ha encantado es “La mano de Fátima” de Ildefonso Falcones.
    ¿Para cuando el próximo Sue?

  8. Gracias por preguntar. Perdone mi español pobre! He escrito un misterio y estoy tratando de encontrar un editor y agent. Os mantendré informados a través de mi página web!

    Dios te bendiga, Sue Harrison

  9. Hello Sue,

    We are happy to have you as a member of UPPAA. Of course, I always give and get books for Christmas. Among the books I gave this year are Nancy Barr’s newest Page One mystery and “Stealing Buddha’s Dinner.” Among those received were the latest by Anne Rice and Anne Tyler and Alison Weir’s “Mistress of the Monarchy.” And that’s a short list!

    Keep writing!
    Tyler Tichelaar

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