
I’m concerned that the current unrest in Haiti will discourage people from donating  to earthquake relief funds. Yes, there are problems, but pulling back and doing nothing is not the solution.

It’s easy to forget the God factor – that He is in charge.  Our place is to trust and to help however we can.  Because I did not know where best to send my donation, I contacted a friend who had served as a missionary for OMS International in Haiti. She told me that Franklin Graham’s group, Samaritan’s Purse (Perhaps you have participated in their Christmas Child shoebox drives.) is working with OMS and Missionary Flights International to fly workers and supplies into Haiti.  Through this cooperative effort,  tarps, tents, water purification kits, food, clothing and medical supplies are being shuttled to the people of Haiti. 

You can go online and donate directly with a credit or debit card through the Samaritan’s Purse website, the OMS  International website or Missionary Flights International. 

Meanwhile, let’s keep the people of Haiti, as well as our soldiers and all the relief workers,  uplifted by an ocean of prayer. 

Blessings, Sue Harrison

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  1. Don’t forget UMCOR (United Methodist Committee On Relief). 100% of what is donated goes to the fund specified.

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