Currently Reading/May 2010

Last month I told you that our reading group had chosen Mitch Albom’s HAVE A LITTLE FAITH for our May book, but we’ve decided to hold off on Mitch until September 2010.  Our book for May is TALLGRASS, a novel by Sandra Dallas.  I bought this book a year ago during one of my husband’s and my bookstore excursions.  I set it in my “to read” stack – which is actually 5 stacks, all tall enough to teeter.  During a meeting at my house, our book group was discussing future book choices, so I raided my stacks and brought down a few of my “can’t wait to reads”.  They decided TALLGRASS sounded interesting, so we chose it for our May book. 

Now that I have read it, I can give you my opinion:  5 huge stars!

It’s wonderful.  

TALLGRASS takes place in the little Colorado town of Ellis during World War II.  The main character, Rennie Stroud, is 13 years old.  Her family has been impacted by the war in many ways – her brother is a soldier – but Rennie’s life changes completely when the federal government opens a Japanese internment camp less than a mile from the Stroud farm.  After one of Rennie’s friends is murdered, the citizens of Ellis convince themselves that the murderer has to be one of the Japanese.   Rennie has a different idea… 

Author Sandra Dallas has a gift of seeing deep into human hearts, spinning suspense and weaving a touching story into a very satisfying conclusion.  

The back cover says it better than I can: “Part thriller, part historical novel, TALLGRASS is a riveting exploration of the darkest – and best – parts of the human heart.”

Blessings, Sue

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