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A funny thing happened to me on the way to…

Isn’t that how a lot of stories begin? So, a funny thing happened to me at my annual physical checkup. Always a hoot, right? Especially when your doctor tells you that he wants you to have a few more tests.

Then things get scary fast.

So you  have  some  yucky  tests . . . and you pray a lot . . . and you wait. You try to think positive thoughts and do your work and not be afraid.  Then you start to think about your friends who have been through exactly the same thing. Those who came out with good results and those who embarked on a very long difficult journey. You marvel at how they reacted and how brave they were and still are….

This morning the doctor’s nurse called.  I could see her smile over the phone. Really. No problems. All is okay.

Yes, I’m a bit sore, and I can’t lift anything very heavy for a couple more days, but I am so grateful. I learned all over again that God is very close when we really need Him (and even when we think we don’t). I could feel His arms around me. I learned all over again that I am so blessed by the support of my husband and my family, that even if my results had been different, I would still be that blessed.

And I am even more in awe of those friends I mentioned, their smiles, their strength, their encouragement, their faith.



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