

Wild Word Friday!

My MOTHER  is often on my mind right now. She is struggling with dementia, and, as always in matters of dementia, the whole family also struggles. My MOTHER played the piano beautifully and taught a more than a hundred students how to play. She was a church organist, a swing band pianist (a professional at age 13) and loves music of all kinds. Her smile could open doors and calm people, and that lovely smile is still hers, despite the ravages of mini-strokes. I am so blessed that she has been and is a part of my life.

The word MOTHER is ancient and is classified as a “nursery word”. A nursery word is one that babies say as a matter of course when they are experimenting with sounds. Both mama and papa are nursery words.

Here are a few versions of MOTHER that might be familiar to you: in Italian madre; in Welsh and modern Breton mam; in Danish moder; in Old High German muotar; Bohemian and Polish matka; in Russian mat’. These are only a few examples of many, and all these words stem from those first baby syllables mamamama…

Q4U: Tell us about your MOTHER.



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  1. My mother is visually impaired since birth and was widowed at 50. For the past 23 years she’s relied on her kids for pretty much everything, especially living in a small rural community. Now, low and behold, my mother has a beau, someone she went to school with fifty years ago. We are totally thrilled for her and hoping it works out. 🙂

  2. Oh my goodness, Laura! This makes me smile. I’m so happy for your mother. We never know what blessings God has in store for us!

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