About Cats

About You…

When I was five, the high school girl who worked as a babysitter for our next door neighbors asked me if I wanted a free kitten. A free kitten? How lucky can you get!

I ran home to tell my parents the great news, and my parents, bless their hearts, agreed that a kitten was just what we needed. 

I remember the evening the babysitter brought the kitten to our house. He was a yellow, short-haired tiger stripe. The babysitter had tied a blue ribbon around his neck, and he was wrapped in a blanket. My father named him after a cat he had as a boy – Squeaky Taylor. (Taylor was the last name of the neighbor family who had given my father his cat.)

Squeaky Taylor was probably the best cat I’ve ever owned.  He didn’t mind being snuggled. He loved rides in my doll buggy and even let us dress him up like a baby, bonnet and all. Squeaky and our dog were best friends, and Squeaky was totally housebroken. I’ve since learned that a totally housebroken cat is a rarity.

How about you? Have you ever owned a cat? What was your cat’s name?

I appreciate any input for my character database. I need cat names!



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  1. We’ve had cats my entire life. We’ve had Tuki (1 and 2) and Pumpkin. My parents have Honu, Arrakis, Oscar, and Michael. I have Gandalf and Melian. All of my cats have been wonderful.

  2. No cats in our household because my husband and kids were allergic to them. But dogs? We’ve had a multitude of dogs through the years. The only cat I recall belonged to my grandmother, and she called him Kitty Cat. Not very original, I fear.

  3. Stacy and Carol, Thank you for these cat names. I’ve added them to my info data. I love cats but like Carol’s household our son is allergic to them and also one of my brothers. I really miss having a cat!

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