
Your Pet! Casey!

Casey, the “Dat”

Casey’s owner, Christina says, “This is our silver tabby, Casey.  We call him our dat because he seems like a combination of a dog and a cat. He walks on a leash, as you can see by the photograph, and he actually goes to the front door and begs to be let out with a throaty meow. Slightly OCD, he wants his litter box changed after each use. Once he’s done his business, he stands outside the laundry room door and grabs your leg as you walk by – without using claws as he’s also a sweetie – to make you come in and clean it.

“He loves parties. When guests are here, he doesn’t hide, and he joins in rowdy games of indoor tag with our five kids.  His mother abandoned her litter of kittens and hissed whenever she was around them, so we know that Casey has mommy issues. The funniest thing is watching him nurse on a fuzzy blanket the girls have on their bed. Another thing that makes us shake our heads – he strongly dislikes the smell of catnip. I found that out when I thought I was doing him a favor by spraying his bed with the scent. He hasn’t slept in it since!”

Have you ever owned a DAT (or COG)?



Christina Berry writes about the heart and soul of life with a twist of intrigue. Her debut novel, The Familiar Stranger, was a 2010 Christy Finalist and Carol Award winner. Released from Moody, it deals with lies, secrets, and themes of forgiveness in a troubled marriage. (Moody Publishers) Order now!


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  1. Christina, I thought our cat, who is part Siamese, was dog-like but Casey really takes the (dog) biscuit. Thanks for sharing his endearing and odd ways with us.
    And thanks Sue for this feature in your blog. It’s a nice break to read about someone’s beloved pet and to know that there are animals who are cherished and cared for. Lots of hugs.

  2. Thanks for featuring our sweet kitty! We’re in Disneyworld this week and got a text from the cat sitter to call when we could. My mind went into overdrive, fearing something had happened, but all is well. 🙂

    Janie, lol!

  3. What fun! Christina is our daughter, and seeing how much she and her family have enjoyed Casey encouraged us to get a cat of our own. Ours, however, lives in the middle of a 15-acre wood, so doesn’t have to use a leash like her town cousin!!

  4. Janie, Christina and Sherrie, Cats are indeed very special animals! I miss having one of my own, but family allergies limit my “cat times” to visiting friends who are fortunate to have one – or more. My favorite cat of all time was my childhood companion “Squeaky Taylor.” A patient saint of a cat, homely and sweet!

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