
Your Pet! Skyler!

Skylar, Waiting for a Ride!

We’re celebrating Skylar today on Your Pet! In the beautiful photograph above, Skylar is four-months-old . (A couple of months older now.) A pure bred chocolate lab, she’s a very lucky dog with three owners , Sharyll, Jack, and Randy.  Sharyll says, “It’s been a long time since we’ve had a dog. She is so smart. Show her something once, and she remembers, like jumping up to drink out of the bird feeder and riding on the 4-wheeler. She walks about two miles a day with Jack every morning.”

Sharyll says that one of the best things about Skylar is that Skylar loves her on good hair days and bad! I agree with you, Sharyll. A pet’s unconditional love brings a lot of sunshine into our lives!

Okay, all you pet owners, in the realm of “smarts” and on a scale of 1 to 10 (dumb to smart) how does your dog, cat, fish… rank? I’m guessing that Skyler is a 10. Right now we have a dog that is up there at about 9. We’ve had a couple of dogs at 3 and a raccoon that was pretty close to 10! How about you?



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  1. Thank you Sue for doing this, made my day! You did a beautiful job of writting it up.
    Love Jack, Sharyll and Randy

  2. Hmmm. I’d put our cat Mischa at 7, she’s pretty smart for a cat. Sophie our previous cat was a beautiful purebred Russian Blue who really didn’t have a lot upstairs. But who am I to talk? Who has been trained to open/close doors on demand for a small feline? That probably makes me a … 5!

  3. You made me laugh, Janie! I know what you mean about having pets that train their owners. We had an English Springer Spaniel who has to be my all-time favorite dog, sweet but not very smart. Jack was probably a 3. He had a sensitive stomach, and when he vomited I would give him a coddled egg to eat. It took me a while to figure out that he was throwing up whenever he wanted an egg. I don’t want to think where that puts me, number-wise!

  4. My cats are totally different.Riley is a 8 but poor Ellie is lucky if she’s a 3.Miggee is definitely a 10. Hopefully while she is staying here she can teach my cats some of her tricks but not all of them because Miggee is a handful.She is a blast to have around but she is definitely The Princess. 🙂

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