
Your Pet/ LIBERTY Redux!

You may remember a post we did in March, 2012, that featured a cute little dog dressed up in a lion costume. See that post atΒ  https://sueharrison.com/2012/03/your-petliberty/

Since today is October 31, I thought that we could re-feature Liberty in that lion costume, which was her 2011 Hallowe’en outfit.Β  By the way, Liberty has had a few changes in her life. She is now the proud and protective “big sister” of Savannah, shown below with her Grandma Jody.

Photo: We survived night one and Savannah is still alive!!  It was pretty surreal but so happy to have her come home with us!! Liberty is already a great big sister!LIBERTY, Now a “Big Sister”

1st Q: How do your pets react to any new babies in your family?

2nd Q: Do you ever dress up your pets for Halloween?



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  1. What a cute dog!
    Answers to your questions:
    1. Roscoe (our black lab) is very protective of Andrew, our grandson who moved in with us last June, and he refuses to snap or snarl when Andrew tries to pet his nose or tries to mountain-crawl over him. He just heaves a big sigh and tolerates it. But he is very jealous when Andrew is the center of attention. If my husband has the baby with him, Roscoe gets as close as he can, sitting on John’s feet and laying his head on John’s knee, looking up with big, pleading eyes that say, “Won’t you notice me, too?” –very much like a patient but insecure older sibling.
    2. No. He’s just wriggle out of it, so what’s the point? πŸ™‚

  2. Roscoe sounds like a wonderful “Uncle”, Arlene!!

    I know what you mean about dogs who don’t like to be dressed up. When I was about 10 and my brother was 7, we dressed up our dog Peanuts in a pair of my brother’s blue jeans. Peanuts escaped from us and a little while later our mom received a phone call from one of the store’s downtown. (We lived in a very small town, so everyone knew everybody’s dog.) The caller said, “Did you know that your dog is downtown and he’s wearing a pair of blue jeans?” Yep. we got into trouble!!

  3. Silvia did not react well to our son……she is now on prozac. Things are getting a bit better….she will at least be in the same room as him…..but still looks at him with a look of horror/terror. I suspect dogs do better with this sort of thing than cats. We have not dressed Silvia up for Halloween…..she would not put up with that sort of thing….also, she is mental enough….would not want to add any extra stress! πŸ™‚

  4. Poor Silvia. Sometimes it just takes a long while for an animal to adjust, and it always seems that children are so fascinated with pets. I remember plagueing my grandmother’s poor cat just about to death when I was little.

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