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Wild Word Friday! If you hear someone say, “What’s the SCUTTLEBUTT?” you know that s/he is referring to the latest gossip. But where on earth did we get a word like SCUTTLEBUTT? Well, at first let’s do a little historical research. SCUTTLE comes to the English language from the Old French word escoutille, which means…

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Your Pet! Noah!

Cathy and her Border Collie, Noah! Today we’re celebrating Cathy West’s four-year-old Border Collie, Noah! In addition to celebrating Noah, we’re also celebrating Cathy’s newest book HIDDEN IN THE HEART! Here’s a recap from Cathy’s website: www.catherinejwest.com. Hidden in the Heart Everything Claire wants seems to be beyond her reach… After losing her mother to…

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Wild Word Friday! HUM is one of those glorious onomatopoeic words that is an imitation of the sound it describes. The earliest form of HUM that we know of – onomatopoeic words can have very obscure localized origins – comes from the Middle English hummen, which almost makes your mouth vibrate when you say it….


Your Pet! MIGGEE!

MIGGEE – THE SURVIVOR This sweet little kitten was a feral cat tamed by Cheryl Nettleton. Cheryl found the kitten under her deck last fall. Cheryl’s daughter and husband, Michelle and Andy, adopted “Miggee” once Cheryl had tamed her. Cheryl says, “Miggee is a pretty talented cat. She can play fetch as well as any…

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Wild Word Friday! All the meanings of the word CRAB – a shellfish with pincers, a louse, an unpleasant and sour person – all come to us along various routes from the same Indo-European wordbase gerbh-, which means to scratch.  At first that may seem like a strange meaning to have spawned all those various…


Your Pet! Daisy!

Owner Becky Danielson describes her dog, Daisy, as her “constant companion.” Daisy was supposed to be a great bird dog but after two weeks of training, the trainer told Becky’s husband, “Sorry, this ain’t a huntin’ dog.” Becky says that when Daisy is in the kitchen garden she chases rabbits, chipmunks, and squirrels out of…

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