

Wild Word Friday! The word AWARD comes to us via a progression that goes backwards in time from the Middle English, awarden, to the Old Norman French, eswarder, to the Old French, esgarder. Esgarder springs from the Latin, ex-garder, which is the base word for many English words that refer to the concept of guarding…



Wild Word Friday! When I was growing up, one of my favorite television shows was Lassie. (Yes, that was way back in the 1950s!) Lassie, a COLLIE, managed to save all manner of people from all manner of horrible situations, and I’m sure she was also responsible for a popularity surge in the breed itself….


Isn’t winter just the best time of all, Jak! This gorgeous Golden Retriever belongs to Kandace Harrison Huyck. Kandy says, [Jak is] “our ‘more than we bargained for’ Golden Retriever. There is never a dull moment in our lives with this guy, but we love him so much!!!!” Please join me in welcoming JAK to…



Wild Word Friday! I don’t know about you, but when someone comes up to me and says, “Sue, you look tired,” even if I’m not tired, I suddenly feel tired. And sure enough, the next time I glance in a mirror, I look tired. I look worn out. I look HAGGARD! So is that the…

YOUR PET/Irwin & Figaro

Welcome to our new Wednesday Your Pet blog posts! Today we feature Irwin and Figaro. Irwin, an Australian Bearded Dragon, and Figaro are housemates, but a nose-to-nose meeting with Irwin probably isn’t on Figaro’s list of “My Favorite Things.” Owner of both animals, Cody Stevenson, tells us that most Bearded Dragons are brown and tan,…


Can you tell that this is the same summer sky as my signature blog photo? My husband took this shot just a little while later after the oranges and reds had faded to blues and purples. Blessings! Sue



Wild Word Friday! When anyone talks about WALE, I think about cloth, like corduroy, with raised ridges that are called WALEs, but I recently discovered a “new to me” meaning. In Scotland the noun WALE means a choosing or a choice or something chosen as best. As a verb WALE means to select. This meaning…

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