

Wild Word Friday! Eons ago someone (I’m guessing it was a woman.) discovered that if you boil certain plants in water, the resulting “tea” can dye string or yarn or fabric. Archaeologists have found bits of tartan plaid fabrics in central Europe that have been carbon-dated to circa 800 B.C.  [Women’s Work by Elizabeth Wayland…

About Glasses

About You! I was about eight years old when I first noticed that, unlike me, other kids could see the blackboard without squinting. I didn’t want to get glasses so I didn’t tell my parents that I had a slight vision problem. When I was eleven, the school sponsored a vision screening for students. My mother was…


Books I Love

Beginning next Tuesday (November 1, 2011) and continuing for most Tuesdays – at least until next summer (when life becomes nearly too hectic for me to breathe let alone blog), I will begin to write a very short blog about the books that I love. These aren’t the average everyday books I love, as in “Oh,…



Wild Word Friday! Years ago, my sister gave me a wonderful gift. She taught me how to weave. Weaving has been a joy in my life ever since, especially in winters, when I have the time and space to bring out my loom and WARP it. WARPing is the process of stretching the lengthwise or WARP…

More About Pets

And more About You! I have one more question for you, which will help me complete my data about animals (at least for a while). Do you consider yourself a dog person or a cat person? Maybe like me, you love both, but if you had to choose and could have only one pet, would…



Wild Word Friday! My father is an avid golfer. At age 84 he can still come close to shooting his age – last week scoring an 85 on 18 holes. I’m proud of him, and I know one of the disappointments of his life is that I am NOT a golfer or an athlete by…

About Cats

About You… When I was five, the high school girl who worked as a babysitter for our next door neighbors asked me if I wanted a free kitten. A free kitten? How lucky can you get! I ran home to tell my parents the great news, and my parents, bless their hearts, agreed that a kitten was just…

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