

Wild Word Friday!

Last week I was rereading one of my favorite novels, JANE EYRE AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY by Charlotte Bronte. In the part of the novel when Jane was employed as a governess, she would hear an eerie laugh in the middle of the night. She described that laughter as CACHINNATION.

I’ve read JANE EYRE at least three times previously, but this time the word CACHINNATION really caught my eye. Maybe because I’m always watching for a wild word!

Like most tion words of multiple syllables, CACHINNATION is of Latin origin and means loud, unrestrained laughter. Its related root is a reference to echoes. I’m guessing that CACHINNATION may have originated as a onomatopoeic utterance mimicking an echo. Anyway, CACHINNATION definitely qualifies as a wild word, and reminds me of my Grandma Kate’s laughter, except hers wasn’t crazy, just exuberant!

Do you have anyone in your life who makes you smile (or gives you chills) when they laugh?



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  1. You made me smile with this comment, Jackie. What a great word – catchiecome! Your son is already a great communicator. (And maybe he’s been reading the dictionary, too!)

  2. I have many people in my life that make me smile on a daily base Sue, I thought your word this week was VERY funny because my youngest son (who is 3,5) does not speak much but when he does he comes out with the funniest and smartest things and his latest word is: CATCHIECOME, made up by himself, to him it means: yes, I did eat that sausage by myself, big deal. Or: don’t bother me, I am colouring. Or: yes, I am sleepy but I will never admit it.
    When we ask him things like: wow Liam did you eat that sausage all by yourself? he answers: CATCHIECOME. Or: wow, you colour so well Liam, he says: CATCHIECOME. or: Liam, I think it is time for bed now…. CATCHIECOME. … I dont know how he came up with it, but I do know what he means with it.
    It really makes us laugh a lot and we even start to use it ourselves in certain situations, which makes the word even funnier.
    CATCHIECOME sounds a bit like CACHINNATION.

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