

Wild Word Friday! In spring 2010 I gathered my courage and bought a LAVENDER plant for my garden. The reason that the purchase was brave (Or maybe foolish – have you noticed that sometimes bravery and foolhardiness are mistaken for one another?) was because I live in a Zone 3 to 4 area for plants and LAVENDER is a…

About Roses

About You! A couple of years ago, my husband came home from a conference and asked me an usual question. What is my favorite color of roses? One of the inspirational speakers asked the guys there about their wives’ or moms’ or girlfriends’ preferences in this regard. The speaker was trying to illustrate that although we…



Wild Word Friday! Once I was interviewed for inclusion in a how-to book about writing. A few days later, I reread the interview and came across a sentence that I was afraid I had read elsewhere. I went through all my books on writing (and that’s quite a stash) but couldn’t find it. Finally I contacted the author of the how-to book…


About Music

About You! My brother and his daughter recently visited us from Oregon. We had a great time together, and because they flew here (in a plane, I mean), sometimes they borrowed our car. The next time I would use the car, I’d notice that the radio was tuned to stations that played loud, energetic music. I usually…


Wild Word Friday! This summer when I was reading some poems to my youngest granddaughter, we came across that old favorite The Owl and the Pussy Cat. You probably remember that “The owl and the pussy cat went to sea/in a beautiful pea-green boat”, and that “they took some honey and plenty of money/ wrapped up…

Sept. 2011 Free Book!

Beginning today and through May 2012, each month we’ll be giving away one of the 2011 Christy Award winning novels. The Christy Awards are given each year to honor the best in Christian fiction. I’ll post the name of the free book on the first day of each month and draw the winner on the…


About You

I love to write about quirky, interesting people, and, as any writer will tell you, the very best way to gain knowledge and insight about developing characters is to gain knowledge and insight about real-life people. Beginning next Wednesday, this blog will feature a Wednesday About You post. This post is me asking you for help. I’ll…

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