

Wild Word Friday! If you are fortunate enough to live or visit where city lights don’t mask the night sky, you probably spend portions of your life like I do – looking up and being amazed at the Milky Way, an earth-based view of part of our GALAXY. In one of his poems (written pre-1385), Geoffrey Chaucer writes, “Se…



(During the ongoing update of my Blog and Website, I’m republishing this post I ran back on February 8, 2011, but with a few updates. Thank you for your patience as we fully implement our new look!) I’ve lived most of my life in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.  I’m old enough to remember when, if you…

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Wild Word Friday! As I’ve mentioned in a few other posts, our summers are hectic. Maybe I should say crazy. It’s not unusual for us to extend our table to seat more than twenty for multiple meals. It’s a great time, but to tell the truth without SPAGHETTI I’d be lost! A meal of SPAGHETTI…

New Look

I’m so excited! My website and blog is about to receive a new look. We will be posting a very special – and different – Monday morning mood-lifter and I’ll be adding a Wednesday post. I’ll still post my Friday Wild Words. I hope you all will be checking us out as we segue into…

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Wild Word Friday. I could tell you that our English word HEART (the actual physical heart) comes from the Middle English herte and the Angle Saxon word heorte, which springs from the very ancient Indo-European base word kerd, and that all of them mean HEART. But you won’t find a better definition of HEART than this…

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Blogs for Writers

  Last week I published my last YOUR Novel post  and  promised you a list of blogs that will help you sell and market your novel.  You’ll find lots of great information about finding an agent, writing queries, book proposals and getting your new “baby” out there in the world in the following blogs. (Next week –…



Wild Word Friday! You have to admit that some of the names of states in the United States are pretty wild, at least in sound and spelling. The name, ILLINOIS – a state in the central portion of the U.S. –  is of Algonquian origin. ILLINOIS translates as man – in the sense, “We are men, not deer, not…


40. The Last Roundup

YOUR Novel! After all these weeks and months and maybe years of writing, it’s done. Except… For one last rewrite. Really? Yep. Here we go. 1. Print a hard copy of your manuscript. You will catch errors on a hard copy that you miss when you’re reading YOUR Novel on a computer screen. 2. Find…

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