WILD WORD FRIDAYS! Today we’re going to venture from English into German (Deutsch) for our Wild Word, or in this case, our wild phrase,  AUF WIEDERSEHEN, which means good-bye. When you bid farewell to your German, Swiss or Austrian friends by saying AUF WIEDERSEHEN (pronounced owf vee-derr-zay’n), you are actually telling them (in a direct translation to…


Wild Word Friday!! Okay we have a wonderful new-to-me word that comes from the Danish and Middle English.  (Did you know that many of the conquering Vikings who came to England were from Denmark?  Thus many of our words have Danish roots.)  The word is KNAR.  A KNAR is one of those bark covered bumps…


Happy Wild Word Friday!  Our word today is LAP, the noun.  LAP is a very ancient word that can be traced all the way back to the Proto-Indo-European (PIE) language (think 5 thousand years ago), which is the ancient mother form of almost all modern European languages and many Eastern Languages.  Today an estimated three billion people speak languages…

Quiet Start

When I decided to dedicate my Monday posts to the subject of writing, I realized that I needed to narrow down my field a little.  After a couple of weeks of cogitation, I hit upon the idea of walking readers through the process of writing a novel, from the very, very first baby steps right to the…


WILD WORD FRIDAY!  Our word today is LIMELIGHT.  LIMELIGHT (as a compound word) has its genesis in the world of science.    Goldsworthy Gurney (1793-1875), a British surgeon and chemist, discovered the “LIMELIGHT effect,” which refers to the intense light that occurs when an oxyhydrogen flame intersects a cylinder of quicklime.  In 1837, to highlight performances London’s Covent Garden Theatre began…


Healing Love

A Blog Carnival celebrates the ideas and thoughts of a group of people who Post on one theme.  My Post today is part of a Blog Carnival organized and hosted by Bridget Chumbley  The theme word for this week is healing.  This is my contribution. ——– Three days before Christmas in 2007, my husband – a…


Literary Agents

If you are a writer hoping for commercial publication, you know how important a literary agent can be.  If you are a reader, the whole realm of commercial publication and agents might be a mystery.  Here are some answers to a few questions I’ve been asked about agents. Q: What is a literary agent?      A:…


Wild Word Friday!  Our word today is GREASE.  When I think of the word GREASE, sensory images bombard: the yucky feel of cold bacon grease as I try to scrape it out of a pan, the taste of bear meat (which is very tallowy), and the sight of GREASE congealed on a serving plate.  Hope…

Sept. Book Winners!

Congratulations to Jackie Doran, who is our first Free Book Winner, and to Trish, our second!  Jackie, let me know which book you would prefer to receive – THE CURSE OF TREASURE ISLAND by Francis Bryan or THE SECRET GARDEN by Frances Hodgson Burnett.  Trish, I’ll send you the other book.  I’m trying to become more…

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