I thought our two November Free Books(!) should be Christmas-y since our winners will receive their books in December.   Here they are…

SNOW DAY by Billy Coffey.  From the cover summary:  “Awakened by radio broadcasts urging the residents of a small Virginia town to take a snow day rather than travel to school and work, Peter Boyd finds himself with both an unexpected day off and an opportunity to find big truths in small moments and surprise encounters.  Peter is quietly worried that he’ll be cut when downsizing takes effect at the factory, his family will lose the home they love, and his faith will crumble along with his bank account.  In lyrical writing, debut novelist Billy Coffey offers a heartwarming and beautifully crafted book about the faithful way God speaks even when we won’t listen…”

SNOW DAY is a new hardcover edition from FaithWords, a division of Hachette Book Group.

A PRAIRIE CHRISTMAS COLLECTION, a short story collection.  From the cover blurb: “A treasure of historical Christmas Romances.  Settling the vast open prairies, weathering the winter storms, and finding joy to celebrate during Christmas epitomizes the pioneer experience.  In this unique collection of nine Christmas romances, readers will relive a prairie Christmas with all it challenges and delights.”  Writers include Tracey Bateman, Pamela Griffin, Tracie Peterson and others.

A PRAIRIE CHRISTMAS is a new trade paperback edition from Barbour Publishers.

Q4U: You are eligible for our book drawing to be held on November 30, 2010, by posting an answer to this question:  What is your favorite Christmas movie?

Blessings!  Sue

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  1. The Bishop’s Wife!!!
    Carey Grant makes a beautiful angel.
    Loretta Young and David Niven are great too.
    If I ever pray for guidance . . I certainly wouldn’t mind if Dudley answered!

  2. Hi Sue,

    One of my favourite Christmas movies is the classic A Christmas Carol, the old version starring Alastair Sim. I love how he behaves after all the visits of the ghosts of Christmas and Scrooge realizes the truth. To me it is such a story of redemption.

    Thanks, Sue. 🙂

  3. My favourite Christmas story is Prancer.It’s about young girl who play’s an angel in school pageant but becomes real guardian angel when she finds injured reindeer in forest.Such a beautiful story for any one to enjoy!Trish

  4. I’ve not ever watched that entire movie, Trish. I know it’s been “on” at our house during the holidays, but usually I’m watching from afar while cooking or wrapping gifts, etc.! I’ll have to make a point to watch it.

  5. I favorite Christmas movie is National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. I
    seem to need a good laugh in the middle of all the chaos.

  6. Oh, yes, we all need the laughter! I love the scene in that movie where the Uncle and Aunt come with wrapped “gifts” – the jello and the cat. My husband and I have taken a line from that movie and use it all the time, “Oh, he’s just hackin’ on a bone…”

  7. My favorite Christmas movie is White Christmas, with Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye. I watch it every year! That’s quite a few years of
    watching for me!

  8. I love “A Charlie Brown Christmas”. I especially like the part where Linus says (on stage) “And lo, there were shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night, etc”(I won’t put the entire verse here). For some reason hearing it in that context, really makes you think about it 🙂

  9. No matter what I am doing (like you mentioned – cooking, cleaning, getting things prepared for one thing or another)……when that part comes on, I stop and listen!!

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