

UPPAA – What’s that? If you are familiar with Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, you might have a head start on this acronym.  UP – Upper Peninsula.  PAA – Publishers and Authors Association.  This is a great organization and isn’t limited to “Yooper” members only.  (Yoopers are people who live in the Upper Peninsula.)  If you have…


Wild Word Friday again!  Today’s word is FOLLOW, well not really follow, but follee.  That’s the way my 91-year-old father-in-law says follow.   He also pronounces swallow as swallee and hollow as hollee. As in, “I tried to follee the rabbit into the hollee, but he was gone before you could swallee twice.”  For years I assumed his…


A Blog Carnival celebrates the ideas and thoughts of a group of people who Post on one theme.  My Post today is part of a Blog Carnival organized and hosted by Bridget Chumbley http://www.bridgetchumbley.com/.  The theme word for this week is brokenness.  This is my contribution. —————- My first thought each morning was, “Oh no, not…

Blogs for Writers

On Saturday, Courtney asked about my favorite blogs for writers.  Here they are. 1. http://cba-ramblings.blogspot.com/   This is super agent Rachelle Gardner’s blog.  Nearly every post is about writing or publishing. 2. http://rovingeditor.blogspot.com/   Sean Costello, a freelance book editor based in the U.K., writes this blog.  It will give you a birdseye view of the book and…


What the heck is a LUTHIER? That was my question when my husband first told me he wanted to become one.  Huh? That was also when I was told – by him – that a luthier is a person who makes stringed instruments, traditionally stringed instruments made of wood. You know, guitars, violins, mandolins, banjos……

Guest Post

Check out Super Agent Rachelle Gardner’s website today (9-16-10) http://cba-ramblings.blogspot.com/.  I have the great good fortune of being her Guest Blogger!  Hope you’ll leave a comment! Blessings, Sue


Heart Breaker

I love the story about the elderly Athabascan woman who was asked how to make moosehide moccasins.  Her reply?  “Well, first you kill a moose.” In other words, have a seat.  This is going to take a while. When I’m asked, “How do you write a novel?”  My answer is, “Well, first you break a heart.” And not just any…

Photo Op

Wow!  I’m excited!  This coming Thursday (Sept. 16) Rachelle Gardner – super agent with WordServe Literary – will feature one of my “ramblings” as the guest post on her Blog, http://cba-ramblings.blogspot.com/ .  The noise you hear is me cheering for joy at such an opportunity.  This past Sunday afternoon, Rachelle emailed a request for a photo or…

Wild Word Fridays

Now that I’ve been blogging for a few months and am more comfortable with the concept and the process, I hope to establish a Friday feature that will highlight words.  It’s always fun to find new words, odd words, overused words, misused words…  This Friday’s wild word – words actually – are LADY and LORD. …

Sept. Free Books!

I think for most of us September means one thing.  School.  I remember the excitement of shopping for school clothes and new notebooks, pencils and rulers.  I also remember the butterflies of that first day, back with old friends and a new teacher.   My favorite part of the new school year was receiving our reading books.  I usually…

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