

Wild Word Friday! Those of us living in the USA are enduring a pre-election season of skirmishes, interviews and civilized (and some uncivilized) vitriol. So I suppose that when you see the word POLL you immediately think of all the commotion and aggravations that seem to be a part of an election year, but let’s…



Wild Word Friday! In researching the word SARCASM, I discovered that it definitely deserves the title Wild Word. SARCASM isn’t usually a part of my repertoire, but a couple of years ago a person told me that they were going to do something which I knew would hurt the feelings of an elderly person dear…


Your Pet! SISSI

SISSI enjoying the Swiss Sun SISSI comes to our Your Pet! Family all the way from Switzerland. You might remember her “brothers” Quincy and Nils from our February 29, 2012, Your Pet! post. SISSI’s Mom, Monia, tells us that  SISSI is the shy cat in the family, although lately has begun to make an appearance…



Wild Word Friday! If you lived thousands of years ago, your choice of clothing materials would have been pretty much limited to animal skins, especially if you lived where winters loomed fierce and cold.   A few groups of people wore birdskins (the Aleuts of ancient Alaska, for example), but before anybody figured out how…


Your Pet! GRACIE

GRACELAND’S SWEET BUTTERCUP – GRACIE GRACIE’S Mom, Kandice, says that Gracie is everything a Golden Retriever should be.  “She is sweet, loyal, gentle, loves all people especially children and lives to retrieve her ball…  our dog of a lifetime!!!” GRACIE welcomes warm weather with a field full of forget-me-nots. Welcome, beautiful GRACIE, to the YOUR…

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