
Ground Hog

I heard that Punxsutawney Phil, the famous Pennsylvania ground hog didn’t see his shadow today, and I’m delighted for folks in that grand state who will have a short winter this year.  (At least according to ground hog lore.)  But where I live in the Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, we had a bright, sunny day, and any ground hog who managed to roust itself from its burrow undoubtedly saw its shadow.  That means six more weeks of winter for us.

I’m trying to look on the bright side, and I’ve come up with two reasons for joy (at least concerning ground hog shadows).

1. Winter is the quiet time in my life.  I have more hours to dedicate to writing.

2. If we have ONLY six more weeks of winter (as ground hog lore claims) it will actually be an early spring for us. 

Imagine, the middle of March and NO SNOW!  Wow!  What a great day for ground hogs and the rest of us.  Think Spring!!

Blessings, Sue

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  1. Sue, you have just said the same thing I always say about Groundhog day!!! If we ONLY have 6 more weeks of winter, it will be an early spring. Also, I have always heard that if he DOESN’T see his shadow there will be a month and a half of winter – lol

    I, also, enjoy the winter as ‘quiet time’. I do a lot of reading and craft projects. I’m making a scrapbook right now in an album our granddaughter gave me for Christmas. I am using pictures from the week in August that she and her mom spent with us. It helps me to ‘relive’ that week from August in Jan/Feb!! I can’t wait to show it to her. I think she will like what I have done with her gift to me 🙂

  2. Yes, I think I heard that from you first, come to think of it!! By the way, I’ll be sending The Count of Monte Cristo your way.

  3. Thanks!! I look forward to receiving it. I just passed the other books you sent me along to Patty yesterday. I enjoyed both of them.

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