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A Glance Back: Odd Celebrations

This week gave Neil and I two unusual reasons for celebration.

1. I finally finished the rough draft of my novel WARP. It needs a lot of rewriting, but the rough draft is the tough draft, and I’m always delighted when I finish it.

2. My husband and his brother Denny finished working on their father’s septic system. Not fun, but SO good to get done!!

Any celebrations in your life this week?



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  1. Not sure I’d call mine a celebration so much as rejoicing over an achievement. After a summer of helping two sets of family members move, and not getting in much writing time, we returned home on Monday and I finally finished a contest piece in time to submit it just one hour before the deadline. I think your and Neil’s accomplishments sound more impressive. 😉

  2. Carol, your accomplishments sounds wonderful! Moving is tough work, and then to be able to get your head back in the game as soon as you get home to the point of completing a submission to a contest, Wow!! I’m impressed. Good luck! And may your fall season be very productive!

  3. Jody, yes! Your guy and my guy put in a lot of not-fun hours to get that system working for our dad-in-law. I’m proud of them both. Also, the apple pie and apple bread were delicious! And to have such a good “reward” waiting for the guys at the end of the day helped the project go more quickly and smoothly!

  4. Well, girls, I’ve been writing my novel, Love Buries a Spring Bird, for about three years now. Working on it every day for four five hours. Wow, had no idea what I was getting into, what a big job it’s turned out to be. You have to love writing I guess, to complete such a big task. It’s about 74,000 words, thirty-six chapter…kind of like writing thirty-six short stories. If I make $100,000.00 off of it, I will probably have earned at least minimum wage for all my hard work. Adieu….

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