Small Joys–Odd Talents
Sometimes the best small joys are those under-appreciated odd talents. My odd talent is my ability to find something in an over-crowed, unorganized refrigerator!
What’s your odd talent?
Sometimes the best small joys are those under-appreciated odd talents. My odd talent is my ability to find something in an over-crowed, unorganized refrigerator!
What’s your odd talent?
My brother Bob and I loved ironing day. On ironing day, our mother filled the laundry basket with dampened clothes. She wrestled her old wooden ironing board from its place in the closet and plugged in her iron. Then as she pressed out the wrinkles in our clothes, she told us stories. Knights and kings,…
About You! This week autumn officially begins. I don’t want to cause controversy, but here where I live, it actually starts in August. That’s when we usually have our first night frost (not this year!) and also when you see the first bit of color in a tree, and the flowers start to look a…
I love to make jelly and jam. This year I’ve put up a few jars of blueberry jam and raspberry jam, and I’m planning on making apple jelly, which is my husband’s favorite, but this week I made strawberry! What’s your favorite kind of jam or jelly? Sue
I’m rewriting a scene in the third draft of my novel PRODIGY. The scene introduces two FBI agents. They’re minor characters, and I never get into their thoughts. One of them is an okay, likable guy, but the other is really irritating. My problem? I just can’t picture the irritating one. His hair color, his eyes, nose,…
In my current novel (Working title: HORSES OF THE WEST SUN, previously BONE FIRE), I based the houses of the River People on the rectangular, semi-subterranean dwellings used by the Dudeşti people who settled in what is now Romania during the sixth millennium B.C. These houses are built to endure rain and cold weather. By…
Of course, family is anything but a small joy, but I can’t let March 23, 2021, go by without featuring my father in this blog series. Born just before the great depression in Arkansas, Dad knows what it was like to eat three meals a day of cornmeal mush. A champion high jumper, he knows…
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That’s a wonderful talent, Ans. I wish I had that gift. Please stay safe, Dear Friend!
What a beautiful talent, Paula!!
My small joy/talent is that there is almost always a bit of wild flower/ weed in a vase in my home <3
My fridge looks like yours 😂
Maybe my odd talent is to connect with people were ever I go.
Without speaking Italian asking for battery for my camera and getting it.
On the Azoren Islands talking to the taxi-driver were to find us because we got lost.
On the ferry in Brasil speaking to other passengers or on the salar the Uyuni talking with the guide who was taking good care of us also because of high altitude sickness you might become.
Stay safe Sue
I love to meet other people.