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July 2020 FREE BOOKS!

Even if your summer vacation this year is a “staycation,” you definitely need books to carry you away, and I guarantee these two will. First, dive into Sandra Saidak’s DAUGHTER OF THE GODDESS LANDS. From the back cover copy: “Kalie’s peaceful life is shattered when a brutal attack by horsemen from the east leave her scarred in body and soul. As the sole survivor of the assault, Kalie makes her way home and warns her people to prepare for the invasion…” This well-researched novel will keep you turning pages! Our give-away copy is a new trade paperback edition.

Our second staycation read is DOWN THE LONG HILLS by Louis L’amour. Another survival story, from the back cover: “With a knife, a horse, and the survival lessons his father taught him, [seven-year-old] Hardy must face the challenges of the open prairie.” Our give-away copy is a new mass-market paperback edition.

To have your name included in our Wednesday, July 15 drawing, just answer this question. How are your survival skills? Have you ever had to use ingenuity and commonsense to get out of a tough situation? A yes or no answer is fine.

Happy Reading!


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  1. I remember one occasion when I did have to use my survival skills. We were between I think it was called bridal veil falls and Nevada Falls at Yosemite National Park in Calif. I decided to try to walk across the wide creek between the two Falls as it was very shallow. I slipped, fell and the creek began rather rapidly carrying down toward the Falls. I began to roll as quick as I could toward shore as I couldn’t stand up. I made it and survived.

  2. That is scary, Ken! Glad you knew what to do to make it out of a very bad situation and live to tell about it!!!

  3. Yes. Had a canoe capsize while duck hunting in cold, deep water. Lost a gun and several other things, but we lived to tell the story.

  4. Survival, now that’s a word people really don’t understand do they. I have fought back from a coma of 2 weeks, and basically dieing for 12 hours. In that time I lost the ability to move, speak and breathe on my own. My family was told it would take 18 months just for me to start to move again. Now that’s not what walking. Just to move my neck and extremities. I was never supposed to eat on my own again, just have a gastrointestinal tube for life. A month after my I guess you’d say mind woke up. My spirit woke up. It was February 12, 2019. That’s when my spirit came back. From that day I fought daily with the ‘you need to rest, slow down, you can’t do that yet’ till I’m sitting here right now. I just got done eating a meal I cooked.. I ate with my loved ones, laughed, smiled, sneaked food to my old faithful dog. That is survival…. I’m here, I’m not going anywhere, and the only thing that can beat me is myself. And that ain’t gonna happen….

  5. My skills are basic. I hike every Sunday here in Phoenix. I always carry my CamelBak and extra water. As well as a multi tool and a first aid kit.

  6. I can grow plants.. and harvest some wild plants..
    I know how to carve… made a wooden sword with a survival knive..
    I can make pottery, know how to weave as well..
    Never been tested passed modern camping..
    Or the fire I was in as a child.. i hope I had warning… then I would grab my herbalist book.. and a few other resources..

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