35. Voice Redux

YOUR Novel! In my last post on YOUR Novel, I explained I had to take a break due to extreme parent care needs. My family is getting things more under control, and I’ve found time to write these posts. Thank you for your patience! When family situations arise, the Lord always reminds me that although my writing…



Wild Word Friday! My MOTHER  is often on my mind right now. She is struggling with dementia, and, as always in matters of dementia, the whole family also struggles. My MOTHER played the piano beautifully and taught a more than a hundred students how to play. She was a church organist, a swing band pianist…

Made Me Laugh

Kids and grandkids have a way of touching our hearts, deep down – and our funny bones. We recently took a short car trip with our granddaughters ages 9 and 6 and stopped at a Sam’s Club to buy groceries. Nine-year-old: Yay! We’re going to Sam’s Club. That’s my favorite store! Six-year-old: Yay! We’re going…



Wild Word Friday! HALL? Ummm, what’s wild about that? I’m not referring to HALL as in HALLway, but HALL as in the names of various German and Austrian places or towns such as HALLein, Schwaeblish HALL, and HALLstatt. You see, hal is the Celtic word for salt. During the HALLstatt Period (roughly around the 8th to…



Wild Word Friday! Last week 14-year-old Sukanya Roy won the 84th Scripps National Spelling Bee by spelling the word CYMOTRICHOUS. If you saw the video clip, you probably  noticed that she had a little twinkle in her eye as she spelled the word, which I took to mean that she knew how to spell it…

33. Redux/Editing

Writing is like golf. In golf, we celebrate pars and birdies and eagles, but to shoot a perfect game your score must be 18 on 18 holes, and nobody shoots an 18. Nobody writes a perfect short story or a perfect book either, but just like golf, practice makes progress. (That phrase is compliments of David…



Wild Word Friday! CIGARs are not in style. They are not healthy. They are not cool. They are not smart. (Can you can tell I’m highly opinionated about the subject?) My maternal grandfather (Granddaddy) was a smoker of CIGARs. I’m quite sure they shortened his life. (He died of a heart attack at age 69….

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