Wild Word Friday! Okay let’s learn a word very important in the Aleut language – AHVAVA.   Ah-Va-what?   On one of our research trips to Alaska for my books, my husband and I stayed with a wonderful Aleut family on the island of St. George in the Pribilof Islands of the Bering Sea.  The month of our…


WooHoo!  Wild Word Friday! I’m doing something a little different today for Wild Word Friday.  We ‘re going to talk about the business of banishing words.  Say what? Since 1976, Lake Superior State University, a little college located on the eastern tip of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, has been banishing words.  The brainchild of PR genius Bill Rabe,…


This year, one of  my Christmas gifts from my son and daughter-in-law was the book SKELETONS ON THE ZAHARA by Dean King.  I’ve almost finished it.  What a great read!!  ZAHARA is the true story of twelve American sailors who were shipwreacked off the coast of Africa in 1815 and taken as slaves by desert nomads.  Wow! …

Jan. ’11 Free Books!

Happy New Year!  I pray for each of you a blessed and joyous year ahead.  To start it off right, let’s give away books! Because winter seems a great time to ‘hunker down’ with a classic, our January 2011 free books are both classics – one from long ago and one more recent.   Your name will go into…

Dec. Book Winners!

Congratulations to Lynn “Polilla” and Lynn Hauptmann our December free book winners!  Lynn Polilla, our first winner, gets her choice of COLD SASSY TREE by Olive Ann Burns or HOME TO HOLLY SPRINGS by Jan Karon.  Let me know, Lynn Polilla, which book you prefer.  Congratulations to Lynn and Lynn! Check in tomorrow to post…


Wild Word Friday! Okay, you know that a word which ends in tion must have Latin roots.  The Latin form is resolutio.  In Middle English RESOLUTION was resolucioun.  So you can see that not much has changed since those days as far as RESOLUTION goes.  That’s probably good, isn’t it! Speaking of RESOLUTIONs, I think…


Wild Word Friday! What more appropriate word than JOY on this day before our Savior’s birth!  This lovely word comes to English from the Old French, joie, and the Latin, gaudium.  “…Behold I bring good tidings of great JOY, which shall be to all people.  For unto you is born this day in the city…

Christmas Glitches

It just came to our attention this morning that our mail order website has not been accepting orders!  Yikes!  Of all the times of the year for that to happen… So if you recently placed a UP Books order for my books, and you haven’t heard anything back, your order unfortunately landed in the black hole…

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