
I was reading the other day and came across a wonderful phrase.  I’m going to write it here with the hopes that – although I don’t speak, write or read Italian – I get it right. “Che cosa fai di bello oggi?” According to the magazine article (‘Being Italian’ by Frances Mayes, published in the Winter…


Ground Hog

I heard that Punxsutawney Phil, the famous Pennsylvania ground hog didn’t see his shadow today, and I’m delighted for folks in that grand state who will have a short winter this year.  (At least according to ground hog lore.)  But where I live in the Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, we had a bright, sunny day, and any…


A Hospital Day

Today my mom had her second cataract surgery.  All went well, and that is due to a very fine doctor and an excellent and understanding hospital staff.  My mom has dementia.  It’s not Alzheimer’s.  She knows that she doesn’t know.  I’m not sure if that is easier or more difficult than the alternative.  My mother-in-law…

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Our mail today included more than bills and ad flyers.  I received an advanced reader copy (ARC) of Linda Windsor’s new novel, Thief, from her publisher David C. Cook.   They’ve asked me for an endorsement (a blurb)! I can’t wait to read Thief! Linda writes my kind of books – history and intrigue.  Thief is set…

Family Celebrations

My husband and I just returned from a 10-day vacation.  We had a glorious time visiting my brother and his wife and children in Kansas.  While there, we celebrated the marriage of his oldest son.  Then we went on to Colorado to enjoy the  wonderful hospitality of my husband’s oldest brother and his wife.   Now we are…

Down Days

The dog ‘s name was Ichabod. He was a good boy as shih tzus go, a little full of himself, but a courtly fellow, and a great companion to our high school aged daughter. One day Icabod fell asleep in a sunny spot on an oak stairstep.  During this sleep he flipped over and sent himself rolling…


Last Saturday, I had the privilege of being interviewed by Ray Case, the editor of “Encompass Magazine.” The magazine is regional to the southwestern area of Michigan, but Ray and the staff have wonderful plans for expansion, and I’m very excited that they chose to interview me for one of their articles. I will let you…


I’m concerned that the current unrest in Haiti will discourage people from donating  to earthquake relief funds. Yes, there are problems, but pulling back and doing nothing is not the solution. It’s easy to forget the God factor – that He is in charge.  Our place is to trust and to help however we can. …

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