
Ground Hog

I heard that Punxsutawney Phil, the famous Pennsylvania ground hog didn’t see his shadow today, and I’m delighted for folks in that grand state who will have a short winter this year.  (At least according to ground hog lore.)  But where I live in the Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, we had a bright, sunny day, and any…


Feb. ’11 Free Books!

Let’s celebrate the Valentine month with a couple of love stories.  We’ve given away one of these books previously, but I love it so much that  we’re giving away another copy. That book is the awesome, WATER FOR ELEPHANTS by Sara Gruen.  It’s a beautiful understated love story and a colorful visit to a depression-era…



Wild Word Friday! When my family first moved to our little town in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, some of the phrases and words used by local folks weren’t familiar to us.  One of these phrases was MAKING STRANGE.  When you were introduced to a baby for the first (or fifth) time and he began to wail, his…

Day Break

We have friends coming north to visit for the weekend. The guys are going to participate in the Walleye Jamboree. So at “Day Break” they’ll be out on the ice, fishing, but we girls will take a “Day Break” a little later on, to shop and go out for lunch.  Then we’ll come home, build a fire in the fireplace, talk,…


Tonight the 3-day Walleye Jamboree, held yearly on our bay, begins at 1 a.m.   It looks like a little city out there with all the shanties on the ice.  Now why anybody would get up at 1 a.m. to fish walleye, or choose to fish all night, I’m not sure.  But then I’m not a dedicated…


A Hospital Day

Today my mom had her second cataract surgery.  All went well, and that is due to a very fine doctor and an excellent and understanding hospital staff.  My mom has dementia.  It’s not Alzheimer’s.  She knows that she doesn’t know.  I’m not sure if that is easier or more difficult than the alternative.  My mother-in-law…


Wild Word Friday! Recently my friend, Lynn, and I were discussing a topic dear to both of us – words – and she brought up the word FLUSTRATED.  She mentioned that FLUSTRATED is a combination of flustered and frustrated and isn’t really a legitimate word, although people have begun to use it so frequently that FLUSTRATED…

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Our mail today included more than bills and ad flyers.  I received an advanced reader copy (ARC) of Linda Windsor’s new novel, Thief, from her publisher David C. Cook.   They’ve asked me for an endorsement (a blurb)! I can’t wait to read Thief! Linda writes my kind of books – history and intrigue.  Thief is set…

A Little Help?

Help! I’m working on a novel (romantic suspense) that includes a ten-year-old boy who is a musical prodigy.  He is very gifted but dorky and shy.  By the end of the book, he will also be a hero.  I’m having a tough time giving him a name.  I either come up with something that sounds totally…

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