Wild Word Friday! Each year my husband Neil and I are blessed to spend some of our holidays with our little granddaughters.   I’ve been making doll clothes since October and shopping for TOYS, not only for my own granddaughters, but also for the children who will receive Christmas toys through the Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas…


Wild Word Friday! Christmas is getting close, so I thought it would be appropriate to investigate a Christmas-y word – MERRY.  I don’t know about you, but for me MERRY brings England to mind as in “MERRY Olde”.  MERRY is a very old (or olde, if you prefer) word that comes to us all the…

Sparkles anyone?

I have  a huge Christmas card list, but I don’t mind sitting down and writing Christmas cards.  It’s actually one of the more restful activities of Christmas, not nearly so taxing as putting lights on trees or trying to figure out what to do with cookies that don’t look at all like the photo in the magazine.  (You’d…


Wild Word Friday! Now that we’re all probably still eating leftovers, I thought it would be interesting to look at the word TURKEY.  I’m referring to the bird not the dork.  For some reason, I’ve always thought the word TURKEY had its roots in some Native American language, and it was just coincidental that a country also shared…

Dec. Free Books!

Our free books for the month of December are both classics within their genres. The first book, COLD SASSY TREE by Olive Ann Burns, was first published in 1984.  It’s one of my favorites.  From the cover, “On July 5, 1906, scandal breaks in the small town of Cold Sassy, Georgia, when the proprietor of…

Nov. Book Winners!

Congratulations to Lynn Hauptmann and Deb Van Effen our November book winners!  Lynn, your name was read off first, so you have your choice of A PRAIRIE CHRISTMAS COLLECTION or SNOW DAY by Billy Coffey.  Let me know which book you prefer.  I’ll send it your way, and Deb will receive the other book.  Congrats! …


A Blog Carnival celebrates the ideas and thoughts of a group of people who Post on one theme.  My Post today is part of a Blog Carnival organized and hosted by Bridget Chumbley  The theme word for this week is fellowship.  This is my contribution. ————- The day before Thanksgiving.  A little snow.  A little…


Wild Word Friday! Our word today is COMPANION.  This past week, Linda, my Bible Study leader (who once lived in Italy), happened to mention that the word COMPANION (which we were discussing) was very similar to the Italian words “with bread.”  I came home and looked up COMPANION in one of my resource books.  Sure enough. …

Help! Recipes…

We’re so excited that our exchange student daughter from Germany is coming to visit us this Christmas!  (Our first Christmas with her in three years.)  She is now a vegetarian, and I am the chief cook and bottle washer for a family of carnivores.  (My husband’s family owned and operated a meat packing company for…

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